This site has never seen so much traffic as when I attempted to post something from my friend (who will remain nameless to keep him out of trouble) who is passionate about the homeless.
Organizations that SAY they are out to help to help people (they will remain nameless because they tend to get upset) get upset when a passionate guys tries to alert people to what it is really like out there.
I know how hard he works to help people find housing and get off the streets - and these organizations that SAY they are about serving people spend more time Googling their organization's name than actually serving people. So the post is gone. So is my support of the organizations... I would name them and tell people how much they suck, but that would go against my friends desire to see basic human needs addressed - while organizations chase unauthorized use of first names that of people I doubt they even know, because they are too busy on their computer... I won't tell you how long it took you to see it...gosh
luckily for us all no one reads this blog... except the vain organizations - so you all go back to your computers - a homeless person can curl up against it for the heat.
By the way.... the post. Full of Truth.
If the truth hurts, then do something about it already. I know how many meetings he goes to where you TALK about doing stuff... sheesh. worry about that already.