Can you have a Christmas wish list for places you would like to go?
If there were I would have a giant circle in the catalogue for this one. I found the conference that, wow, I wish I could go to. It's called:
The Electronic Gospel: How Technology Shapes Our Faith. It's at Dallas Theological Seminary and I know I would love it.
The main speaker is Shane Hipps and other than Marshall McLuhan no one around this blog gets more direct attention. It also features Scott McClellan of
Collide Magazine and
John Dyer of the blog Don't Eat the Fruit, both of which I have enjoyed various interweb posting from. All of them are asking great questions about how all this cool technology around us is effecting us on deeper (or not so deep) levels.
There is so much stuff being written about technology and the effect is has on our life, culture and faith. It would just be fun to be at a conference, where people wouldn't instantly glaze over when the things like the four laws of media are being talked about.
The price is really reasonable, it would just be the cost of getting there.... anybody what to donate a place ticket to Dallas?
Oh well, at least the Tweets and after posts (post posts??) will be fun to read.
HT to Jon for giving me something to get my hopes up