30 January 2006

USB and beyone

As someone that dosen't wear any jewlery... this is what I've been looking for :)

USB Wristband

What is a Emerging Church

I found this on the weblog of the Freeway. There is a lot of good conversation happeing about these concepts. Ryan Bolger has a good blog as well fyi.

THE COLLOQUY: "What Is An Emerging Church?

I like this definition by Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bolger in their book Emerging Churches:

Emerging churches are communities that practice the way of Jesus in postmodern cultures.

Gibbs and Bolger also identify nine practices of emerging churches:

1) They identify with the life of Jesus.
2) They transform the secular realm.
3) They live highly communal lives.
Because of these they:
4) Welcome the stranger.
5) Serve with generosity.
6) Participate as producers.
7) Create as created beings.
8) Lead as a body.
9) Take part in spiritual activities.

Some folks (like Andrew Jones and Jonny Baker) say this is the best book written on the emerging church yet. I disagree... but it is good, for sure."

27 January 2006

Blogging on NOT Blogging

Last night as I stared at the ceiling around 2 am I thought back to comments Rob made about why he never updates his blog (that is not meant as a slag... not THIS time) He said he just dosen't have time to sit down and write about what is going on at The Gig.

It's kind of funny because this whole process can get quite addictive. But I understand what he is saying because I know how busy he is with all the stuff personal and church going on in his life.

Actually he said he woudl do it if he could just write it and have someone post it for him... maybe that's what I should start doing.

I could be like this little follower that writes down everything of value that he says and post it for him
you know I want to say something like "because that wouldn't really take much time or effort :)
but I really wish there was someway to better post some of the things that are growing and happeing in and aroudn The Gig... but my blog dosen't seem like the right place to be writting that... hmm

26 January 2006

A new site

I stumble on the Burnside Writers Collective
via Donald Millar's Site.

I found this very funny.
if you don't get it...... never mind.

BWC : Top 10 Christian Books:
Sam Albertson, Michael Irvine

"1. Left Behind by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
2. Tribulation Force by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
3. Nicolae by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
4. Soul Harvest by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
5. Apollyon by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
6. Assassins by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
7. The Indwelling by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
8. The Mark by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
9. Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller
10. Desecration by Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins"

Sam Albertson and Michael Irvine LOVE the coming apocalypse!


Seems there is a pretty cool event that will happen in Toronto in April

anyone else want to go?

thanks to Mr Cooper's site

The book rotation

It's kind of funny how books go in circles - (read below on my "million little pieces" experience) and everyone seems to catch on.
I read This Guy Falls Down almost on a daily basis and I love how he has his own little book of the month club (screw Oprah)
"Once again, I'm responding to the requests of the loyal book club members. February's selection is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. You may have heard of Bell through his work on the groundbreaking NOOMA video series. He also has written this book which has been recommended to me several times. I haven't completed this one yet (I hope to have it done by the beginning of February), but the upshot is I'll have just finished it when discussion time rolls around."

and it's cool because Brea mentioned this book this week and Rob mentioned it as well. It does look interesting... I think it's time to sell my TV to make sure I actually read these books that keep coming up..... or I could stop blogging like Rob :)

24 January 2006

Pastors, the Church, and [North]America

Bran Hansen - "Letters from Kamp Krusty" has some interesting thoughts on how the church in America has become what it is... fat and stagnant

This is a quote he posts from Charisma
"I am amazed at how much the church in America can accomplish without the Holy Spirit.'

'This is where the church in America has been confused. What are our priorities? To build the biggest and nicest buildings? To have more crowds? More money?'

'...the American church is spending most of its money on things that are not God's priorities. If the church doesn't understand the priorities of God before spending its funds, then abuse is inevitable. This abuse is observed when men and women of God eventually fall into the trap of greed.'

(regarding the successful pastor emphasis) 'Some churches in the United States look like they are sponsoring fashion shows or TV programs...In some African countries, some pastors have started imitating this Hollywood style by manipulating people to get money.'

'I wish that my American brothers realized how hurtful it is to the cause of Christ when they focus so much on material things. I am not against wealth or beautiful things, but why does a preacher need a limousine instead of a normal car? Must preachers have a huge entourage in order to enter conferences and churches? God is fed up with all these things!'
Brant askes the question do we even really need paid pastors
I'm thinking we set pastors up to compromise by sending kids to Bible college, locking them into church careers, giving them too much authority, making them choose (frequently) between what's-best-for-the-church vs. their salaries, implying -- or flat-out saying -- they have special insight unavailable to others, sending them to conferences that promote the idea that they are really C.E.O.'s of American businesses, promoting them church to bigger church, giving them lots of free time to get into trouble, often giving them small-time celebrity treatment, or, say, asking for youth trips without their wives and little children, but with fawning teenage girls. And on and on.
I know at The Gig we pay our Pastor (who never ever posts on his blog) because there is no way that you could do what he does and have a full time job. I agree that when we tell people that they are the cornerstone of where the church is going - then yeah they will end up there. But, when a pastor take a first will be last and the last first aproach and looks at his role as only a member of the vision... I hope that the result is going to be different.

gosh it comes down to ego I think.

I'm sure I'll have more to say about this I'm just getting started.


One more link if you're really into all of this from What is Church

Random post

file this under "too much time on their hands"

via Blogstar

American Idol

Why do people still try out for american idol? Why do people even watch american idol?

I just wasted five minutes of my life watching the fools that think they can sing embarrass themselves on (multi)national TV.

I can not sing - not very well at least. I know I can not sing.
Even if I did not know that I can not sing, my friends, family and who ever is left would laugh if I said I was going to try and get a record contract.

But yet all these people show up to be laughed at publicly with tape rolling.

oh well....

do they have a sound guy idol? hmmm

Free the software... Free the software

Geek Alert

For those of you that love free software.... THIS is the logest list I have ever seen

I've already downloaded some stuff that I never knew about...

for all the non-geek people... later I'll post some of my favorite free stuff for you computer. But I'm guessing that I shouldn't take that kind of time at work :)

no, really I'm designing sound systems righ now - I am.... really

Today's "People who are Stupid"

The person that invented this fax machine
(printer, scanner bla bla bla)
You are STUPID - STUPID - STUPID!!!!!!

ok back to work

19 January 2006

Road Trip!!!!!

Oh yeah, for the 2 regular readers of this blog I'm going to be gone for the weekend.

off to the BCOQ's Avanlanche Weekend at Muskoka Woods.

If you happen to be coming I'll be behind the sound board trying to keep things sounding good.


Will the real Tim Good please stand up

I get a lot of email some days.
Some days, some of it doesn't make sense... and no, I'm not talking about Alan Waugh (sorry inside joke) Today it was one of those days

I got the following:
Hello Everyone! I hope for those of you who are here in the area that you are enjoying this most fabulous weather we are having!

I am looking for a few people who would be willing to share special music with us during song service Sunday, coming up in two weeks. This could be anything from playing piano to singing in a quartet to singing a solo, etc. Please don't be shy about volunteering either. I know I sometimes feel kind of strange offering to sing, but we have gifts that God gave us to share with others and if you feel led to do that then by all means, bring it on! J

You can email me or talk to me in church on Sunday if you are interested. Also, if you do not want to receive these Taftsville group communication emails, please let me know.



First, I don't think I know a Bekah... and when I examined the addresses I didn't know anyone. (Not even the Randy & Carie Good) But I did notice my name and my gmail address
Some lucky spamer will now put 2 and 2 together..... crap

I guess somewhere in Taftsville, Vermont there is another Tim Good... who can possibly sing or play some none-bass-dwelling instrument. That people would actually like to hear played solo
Insert Bass solo here.

But it's scary interesting to think of how many Tim Good's are out there....
not counting
this guy
this guy or
this guy

Ok they can count...
but just so no one forgets, I'm this one!

Oh and Bekah.... you can take me off the mailing list :)

17 January 2006

oh never mind

I was asked today how I keep so much useless important information in my head.

I don't know.

I can't find my keys if they are not where I left them.
I alway leave the milk on the counter and the stove on when the food is done.
and don't ask me what my postal code is.

but I rock a trivia games and impressing people who don't rember stuff.

I just thought eveyone knew The data track on a CD is a long spiral. If it were unwound and laid out in a straight line, it would be over 3.5 miles long.

I threw in a touch of G33|{

16 January 2006

a letter to the Emerging church

This letter has some interesting points - feel free to comment.

"I'm a boomer but I really like emergents. Really. Most of the responses to my columns are from emergents and of course all of my students fit this age group. I like emergents - perhaps too much. Recently I was asked how I'd fare if I left the classroom and had to jump into pastoring. My response: “I'd probably do OK with those under 30 but I might be ineffective with the older more traditional people.” I spend just about all of my time with emergents and I really like you a lot."

In the light of what we are trying to do with The Gig I think we not even in the scope of the warnings... Shoot the "gather to be real" is kind of hard if you don't have the assembly. And I personally don't understand how you drop Jesus out of Christianity.... comment away

tiped off via

15 January 2006

Gentlemen, Start Your Mass Chaos

Ok folks this made me laugh for sure.

"Gentlemen, Start Your Mass Chaos

This so messed-up.

There's this guy, uh, 'Dave', who has an idea he thinks would actually work for a reality TV show to air next month.

Dave thinks reality TV is so boring, so cliche, that it needs something to shake it up. I'm ashamed of Dave's idea. How tasteless can you get?

Dave says America would go for this. I, of course, say no way, our country has not sunk this low. He thinks it would get great ratings. I think he's on drugs for even coming up with this idea for a show:

It’s the night before the Daytona 500. All the NASCAR fans are parked in their RV’s, partying it up in the infield before the race. It’s crowded and festive.

In comes a garish, pink RV, with flashing pink lights. It has flowers on it, and California license plates. It takes its place in the center of the action. Ten guys flamboyantly come out, wearing pink cut-offs and tight outfits and stuff. Then they unfurl a huge, easily-read sign.

The sign has a big pink number “3” on it, in familiar NASCAR font. The sign also says: “HE WAS ONE OF US.”

Viewers are clued in ahead of time that the ten guys are actually plants: the ten highest-rated martial arts experts in the U.S. But none of the NASCAR fans knows that. We just watch the evening develop. Live.

Dave says don't even tell him you wouldn't watch that. Yes, there are insurance issues. Yes, the pink guys would have to have to be wearing Kevlar polos or something. And yes, it’s tasteless, which is why I’m so ashamed of Dave for conceiving this. I’m right there with you, pretty dang offended.

I worry about Dave's mind sometimes.


One more Election post today

Angry in the Great White North:
"The Globe and Mail has officially announced its endorsement of Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada.

In the endorsement, it explains the reasons to vote for Stephen Harper and against voting for Paul Martin:

Mr. Martin himself has shifted all over the map in recent years — on ballistic missile defence, on same-sex marriage, on the Clarity Act. In the run-up to the election in June of 2004, we wrote: “We wish Mr. Martin had afforded himself the opportunity of an 18-month tryout before going to the polls. Now the voters have the opportunity to impose a probationary period themselves.”

Mr. Martin did not pass that 18-month probation. He doesn't deserve the public's opprobrium, or an electoral wipeout, but neither has he earned the right to a fifth Liberal term. A spell out of power would give the Liberals the time they so clearly need to renew themselves.

In that same 2004 editorial, we characterized Mr. Harper as “a product of Central Canadian caution and Alberta's can-do frontier mentality.” But, noting his propensity to “respond to challengers withquiet contempt and truculence,” we expressed doubt that he had “matured into a truly national leader.”

There is greater reason to feel comfortable with Mr. Harper today. He has shown himself to be an intelligent man and one, in this campaign at least, who has learned to master his emotions. He has gained control of a party inclined to fly off in all directions, moved it to the centre and proposed a reasonable if imperfect governing platform. His targeted tax measures are measured, his defence policies are sound, and his approach to waiting times is worth experimenting with.

His pledge not to use the notwithstanding clause on same-sex marriage provides some comfort, as does his promise not to reopen the abortion debate. In both cases, he has demonstrated a deft political touch, giving something to his base but leaving himself ample political room to steer clear of unn"

The Smartest Liberal I know

Warren Kinsella:
Former Liberal advisor

Let's recap: Beer and popcorn. RCMP criminal investigations. Likening opponents to animals. OSC and SEC investigations. Whiplash-inducing flip-flops. Leaked platforms. Constitutional amendments dropped in the middle of televised debates. An attack ad that defames the military and is a flat-out lie. Candidates attacking their leader and their own campaign.

That's the Liberal Party of Canada, folks -- and just in the past few weeks. That doesn't even include what Paul Martin has done to the Liberal Party since he took it over in December, 2003. There's only so much stuff I can fit into the space the Post gives to Mercer, Crosbie, the scary-smart kid and me.

The numbers will shift around a little bit in the next few days, but the fundamentals won't change: Stephen Harper will ride a wave of change into the subsidized housing unit at 24 Sussex. Paul Martin will join John Turner and Kim Campbell as historical footnotes. I say this as a card-carrying Liberal who intends to vote for my local Liberal MP: The Liberal Party of Canada deserves to lose. We need a spell in the penalty box -- to get a new leader, new ideas, new caucus members. We need renewal.

If a Stephen Harper minority is the best way to achieve that, that's a-OK by me."

Warren Kinsella on the election

Warren Kinsella:
"January 15, 2006 - This new Conservative Party commercial amply demonstrates, yet again, the Tories' superior strategic smarts in campaign 2005-2006. It also demonstrates why Paul Martin's campaign is worse than a disaster. It's now actually really, really sad.

Let's just vote and get this over with, I say. Martin's self-immolation is getting hard to watch."


13 January 2006

More "pieces" of the story

Coming off my thoughts on "A Million Little Pieces" GetReligion.com has a interesting take on today's literature:
Is there something religious about the current state of memoir-driven literature? This idea that one must experience something personally in order for it to be valid? That these experiences must be dramatic and debauched? The publishing world seems to think the book would not work as fiction. Neither would it have sold - in the current climate at least - if Frey had copped to his banal and relatively comfortable upbringing. A life of unthinkable sin before conversion is what is needed. Do these mythical stories which Americans love find their way into news copy? Are reporters more biased toward dramatic conversion stories?

Via Christdot

This is Jordon Cooper's weblog: Random Chuck Norris Facts

If you haven't had a good laugh today...
take a moment to check out all the Random Chuck Norris Facts:
- Forget Wikipedia, if Chuck Norris wants you know something, he will tell you.
- Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. But he has never cried. Ever.
- Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
- Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
from Jordan Cooper's Blog

12 January 2006

Tried of the election yet?

I don't know about you, but I love watching The Hour on CBC.
I remeber listening to George Stroumboulopoulos 102.1 the edge and even then thought he had some substance to him. I think The Hour does a good job covering a wide variety of news issues and trying to actauly take a low bias stance.

Tonight they did a feature on the "Christian Right" a term that somehow makes me nautious every time I hear it. I've never really understood the whole right and left thing anyway.
maybe I was sleeping in grade 11 social studies class or something.
But I do know that I tend to lean right in money and a bit left in social (ie homelessness, healthcare etc.)
But how come the fact that many Christians are going to go out and vote or even worse are making sure that lots of Christians go out and vote is making news... Isn't that a good thing?

I guess I get it - the minority fear that if people.... and in this case the evil right sided people, actually go out and vote then this country might vote someone in that supports the people that voted for them.

It's not simple... but I'm still voting against the Liberals because I remember them promising to scrap the GST... they didn't (remember stupid Hamilton voting Sheila Copps back in when she said she'd step down if the GST didn't come off.... stupid stupid stupid)

No Government it perfect - but I don't trust the currrent one, time for a new one.
And by the way I think my local Conservative guy is worth the vote.
maybe I should have a sign up

a Good book review

Brea and I had started reading "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey after hearing a lot of good things about it. Come on, Oprah couldn't put it down - it MUST be good.
It's a pretty raw account of one man's journey through drugs and rehabilitation... Certainly not a fun read. Brea had to stop reading, but I tried to keep going.
There seemed to be some substance to it and I was intrigued

But then I started see some of the stories come out saying that maybe there is more fiction than truth. From the Smoking Gun.com
Police reports, court records, interviews with law enforcement personnel, and other sources have put the lie to many key sections of Frey's book. The 36-year-old author, these documents and interviews show, wholly fabricated or wildly embellished details of his purported criminal career, jail terms, and status as an outlaw "wanted in three states.

All of a sudden I had this hard to read book that might not be completely true. It's one thing to read the story of how a man battled through and came out on the other side.... It's another thing to read a story full of shock for the shock value.

Oh well... next book.
at lease this one I know I'll like.... I hope

update: Janurary 13, 2006
I was litening to Tucker and Taz on Fm96 this morning and aparently Taz feels the same way.
Seems the media is catching up with the story.

11 January 2006

iChurch ....not

Christdot :: Christ. Period.: "One out of every four Protestant churches in the United States has virtually no involvement with the World Wide Web despite the emergence of the Internet as a leading communication medium in the 21st century, according to a new study conducted for LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The study, which utilized a representative national sample of 871 Protestant church ministers, explored how churches use Web technology and found that 27 percent of all churches have no connectivity at all -- no staff e-mail, no website and no Internet connection."

And Rob never updates his Blog
he's my pastor... a good one, but he never does update.... heck, I was the last one to update his blog

Camp People

Surfing along Liam Hill has this very good list....
which I made a bit shorter, forgive me

You know you are a camp person if.

*80% of your clothing shows evidence of paint.
*Abnormality is a compliment.
*Being at home makes you homesick.
*Dressing up only involves slightly cleaner clothes.
*Sandal/watch tan lines are a competition.
*Screaming and running at the same time is a coveted skill.
*Sharpies, pens and duct tape are worth more than gold.
*Camp has been over for 22 minutes, and you're already thinking about
next summer.
*You are convinced that there is no way you can date someone who is
not a camp guy/girl, because no one else really understands.
*You can make anything out of duct tape, including band-aids.
*You can make up a song about anything.
*You have a camp set of clothes.
*You don't do this for the money - and you mean it.
*You have no clue what's on TV until mid-September, cause you watch it at camp.
*You have to routinely prevent yourself from shouting, "walk,
please!" or "where's your buddy?" at random kids at the mall/at the
grocery store, etc.
*You know all 753 1/2 verses of "Let me see your Funky Chicken"
*You know exactly how to get to camp from home by car, boat, plane or
any other means of transportation.
*You know that laughter, hiccups, sneezes, itching, and yawns are
*You never refuse free food.
*You still enjoy the same songs you did at 5 years old.
*Your primary method of diplomatic resolution is rock, paper, and
*Your tan lines are also your dirt lines.
*Your voice quality at the end of the week is inversely proportionate
to how good it was.
*Your year only has two seasons. (Summer and Non-summer)
Well I do own a shirt that says "is it summer yet?"


Why must they be so stupid?

First, if you are going to learn to cook to impress the girl, then PLEASE learn to clean up as well. I bet this is equally as impressive to the opposite sex (Ladies back me up here?)

Second, if you think you ARE cleaning.... Can we please look at the pot when we are done?

A big wok that is barely three weeks old should not have grease build-up already.

Sometimes that brush with the soap built in will not clean everything.
I liked it better when I just had to deal with the remaining bags from the three fast food meals sitting in the living room.......... and don't get me started on what day garbage day is

my apologies to the 2 roommates that I had over the years that don't fit the mold

10 January 2006

All I want for NEXT Christmas

First, beltbuckles are cool
Second, LEDs are cool

this is VERY cool

Scientists Finally Figure Out How Bees Fly!

Ok so Scientists Finally Figure Out How Bees Fly and suddenly people are trying to say that now that shows that there is no proof of Intelligent Design....
"'People in the ID community have said that we don't even know how bees fly,' Altshuler said. 'We were finally able to put this one to rest. We do have the tools to understand bee flight and we can use science to understand the world around us.'"
So, umm, yeah..... good job on figuring out the bees guys.
Umm pop quiz - who taught the bees?

Sometimes we waste so much time on being dumb.


today's stupid person:

The dummy who keeps stealing my recycling bin.

you sir........... are stupid.

Cd's Last forever. Not.

I get asked this a lot. Suspected this to be the answer, but now someone has said for sure.

your burned CD's will not last forever....
Unlike pressed original CDs, burned CDs have a relatively short life span of between two to five years, depending on the quality of the CD," Gerecke said in an interview this week. "There are a few things you can do to extend the life of a burned CD, like keeping the disc in a cool, dark space, but not a whole lot more.

If you want things to last a long time.... aparently good old magnetic tape is still the best
Now where did I leave my LP's and phonograph....

Via Computerworld article

8 January 2006

The Gig opens

I have added two fairly obscure and typically simple posts today without any mention to the fact that The Gig opened it's doors today.
yep, slap on the wrist, now back to work.
It was a long time coming, but finally we held the first public service. It was bit strange to see it finally happen and I'm sure there are others that will have much more profound things to say. For me the moment I realized that this was going to be real and people were going to catch the Vision was a few minutes into Rob's invatation for open floor "What If?"comments... people started to catch on.

Not just to the "what if" premis but to the meaning behind the what if's

What if It could be real
What if It could fail publicly
What if everyone saw each other the same
What if kids can be a part of a service
What if rich and poor saw each other the same
What if.........
ok, I'm not sticking totally the words at the time,but that was the idea and people got it and were excited. I'm excited.

I can't wait for the next three weeks as we discover together
"We gather to be real, go to love and live to reveal" in it's three parts.

It's been a long jouney talking about what church could be, and I saw a glimps this morning of what it will be

very cool

Church planter trading cards

There is no doubt in my mind why someone would create such an item.

The part that makes me laugh is that Jordan Coopper has picked one of my own personal favorites (after the Rev Rabee)

and yes you'll have to hit the link to see who.... ??????????

If you were at EBC in the mid to late 90's, really.... click

"The Simpsons": Behind the scenes of an episode

If you're a fan of the Simpsons, this is a good read

"From the inside, a genius factory can appear surprisingly bland: two dozen people sitting around a long table in a nondescript trailer, reading aloud under muted fluorescent lighting.

But unlike watching sausage or legislation being made, watching the creation of an episode of 'The Simpsons' is exciting — or at least hearing it is. After all, the series has been dubbed the greatest show of the 20th century by Time magazine."

The Seattle Times: Arts & Entertainment: "The Simpsons": Behind the scenes of an episode:

5 January 2006

sick again

It's not too often I get a good excuse for why I haven't been posting.

After 2.5 day in bed with a fever, I finally went to the doctor today.

Yep, becuase Tim Good can't just get simple sick - only complicated sick.

I have Pneumonia it seems, which would explain why I can't breathe without coughing.
Oh well another 2 -3 days of bed rest for me... talk to you later I guess.

2 January 2006

13 things that do not make sense

New Scientist has a article on 13 things that do not make sense
(don't even bother if your brain is tired)
"2 The horizon problem

OUR universe appears to be unfathomably uniform. Look across space from one edge of the visible universe to the other, and you'll see that the microwave background radiation filling the cosmos is at the same temperature everywhere. That may not seem surprising until you consider that the two edges are nearly 28 billion light years apart and our universe is only 14 billion years old.

Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so there is no way heat radiation could have travelled between the two horizons to even out the hot and cold spots created in the big bang and leave the thermal equilibrium we see now.

This 'horizon problem' is a big headache for cosmologists, so big that they have come up with some pretty wild solutions. 'Inflation', for example.

You can solve the horizon problem by having the universe expand ultra-fast for a time, just after the big bang, blowing up by a factor of 1050 in 10-33 seconds. But is that just wishful thinking? 'Inflation would be an explanation if it occurred,' says University of Cambridge astronomer Martin Rees. The trouble is that no one knows what could have made that happen."

I'm not the type to push creation down people's throat.... but sometimes I have to laugh when articles like this can't find the answer to some things..

ummm guys... I know it takes faith but I think I have your answer

I don't know just me.

Actually it's a really interesting article... I love the "placebo effect" concepts... pretty cool how God made us. I like to imagine that when we get to heaven God will laugh and recollect all the good wonky ideas that we came up to explain him.

via /.