7 September 2006

A change of direction

What is a blog?

For some people it is pouring out their soul about the stuff that is happening in life
That not for me.
For some people it is a bunch of links without any real context
Tried that , but what is the really point when for the most part I am just lifting them all from other place
For some it is a deep spiritual statment - with the goal of starting converstaion.
I like to read those, but I get bogged down tring to create the content myself

So for over a month I've not bothered to post.

Today in searching for a bass line to "Hungry" I came across a blog started by the artist behind the song Katherine Scott (and also the name of her blog). She has written a number of small articles about her experience on worship etc.

To be honest it inspired me to look at putting some of my experience down for others to come across. To write articles from the technical (and I guess the bass) side of worship, church and life. Maybe at the least it will inspire some other techie to do something.

So hopefully this is the start of little more consistent blogging. I don't promise every day, but I'll do my best to offer what I've got


Anonymous said...

if you read my latest entry..yes I used something you said lastnight in our talk..about God's will..can you find it..its like where's waldo...lol
Thanks though it did give me some perspective.

julielewisandthenews said...

yay!!! I was wondering what had happened to you!

One of my friend's was at the Gig last weekend singing in some contest, she made it to the second round so I think I'll go in January or whenever it is... I wondered if you would have been there.

Anonymous said...

Hey - get onto Facebook or LiveJournal - I've got too many blogs as it is! That way I can keep track of you!

In other news, I still want my Frantics CD back ;)

Nice to see you on Saturday - we'll keep in touch :)
