16 November 2007

Don't worry it's gone

This site has never seen so much traffic as when I attempted to post something from my friend (who will remain nameless to keep him out of trouble) who is passionate about the homeless.

Organizations that SAY they are out to help to help people (they will remain nameless because they tend to get upset) get upset when a passionate guys tries to alert people to what it is really like out there.

I know how hard he works to help people find housing and get off the streets - and these organizations that SAY they are about serving people spend more time Googling their organization's name than actually serving people. So the post is gone. So is my support of the organizations... I would name them and tell people how much they suck, but that would go against my friends desire to see basic human needs addressed - while organizations chase unauthorized use of first names that of people I doubt they even know, because they are too busy on their computer... I won't tell you how long it took you to see it...gosh

luckily for us all no one reads this blog... except the vain organizations - so you all go back to your computers - a homeless person can curl up against it for the heat.

By the way.... the post. Full of Truth.
If the truth hurts, then do something about it already. I know how many meetings he goes to where you TALK about doing stuff... sheesh. worry about that already.


Anonymous said...

I do not know you, nor even met you for that matter, but I think you may not be seeing the whole picture. I have been across this country and there are organizations out there that are helping the homeless, the problem we run into is there is such a demand with the homeless to the organizations that help. If you feel we should get off our computer and get out and help, then how can you have the time to blast everyone, why not you go out and help your friend with the homeless instead of blasting everyone else for sitting at there computers!

Matthew Smith

Tim Good said...

Ahh... Matthew,

I think you are missing MY point. I simply posted a friend's email imploring people to be aware of the problem around them. He has long since convinced me to get involved.... If we haven't met, then yes maybe YOU should get off YOUR computer and do more... (the obvious Nerd that you are - you will know that blogger sends me an email to know that you posted)

The "blast" took just a moment in time... and the trip to the blog that was necessitated by the organization (that obviously you are affiliated with) was whining. I don't post here often (as the dates will show) and as a result people don't visit (as the tracking stats will show) But you people seem to have nothing better to do. Look me up at out of the cold some night... I'm not there every night at ever location but I'm around...

And as I said "Don't worry it's gone"

Anonymous said...

Ok, Tim, I see your point, my point is the overload of homeless people in the system and organizations cannot keep up, this is my point. I am sure there are organizations and people who do little to help when they say they do, it is like every other organization. My uncle was a gambler and lost everything, what did he do after! he hit the streets. He got help from an organization. I went through and read your blog and noticed that you a God follower. Where is God in all of this? I do not see mainline churches getting their elbows dirty and getting in there to help? Thank for your in put, believe it or not, I actually read your blog and respect your opinion.

Matthew Smith

Tim Good said...

I'm not anti organization. I'm against the organizations that are so stuck in their bureaucracy that they are worried about a minor little blog naming the street name of a person, by an impassioned man witting of the desperate state of the persistently homeless on the street. I'm not an expert on why it is this way... I just know that the people I see working hardest often get reprimanded by the people not working very hard...usually because they start looking bad.

Where is God in this? God said feed the hungry... if the main line churches aren't, they will have to defend that to God. I will not find myself in that situation.

Same as you won't find me witting about the homeless or their plight on my little blog...because some bureaucrat with too much internet access might thing I am hurting someone with my passionate ideas.

Don't start blaming the church for the homeless... last I check the Christian religion was becoming a smaller group... This is a humanity problem.... a question of dignity...there was this great post about the dignity of those on the street that I once read... oh right I had to DELETE that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tim for the thoughts, keep writing in your blog, you never know who reads it and they may find God, at least I am thinking what God is all about. Maybe one day I'll find out...

Matthew Smith

Anonymous said...

Any updates my friend! Are you married yet?

Anonymous said...

Did you get my presents yet? he he ;)